Supporting remote teams

An online, interactive tool that helps teams working remotely better communicate, understand, support and motivate each other, and creating a real team approach.

Communicating with different personalities

Working remotely can be challenging, especially when you're used to sitting together in an office. It’s easy to feel out of the loop or to take a comment out of context. Personality at Work helps the team properly understand each other, know how best to communicate with each other, and ‘get where the other person is coming from.’

It improves the quality of communication within the group and helps keep it positive and encourages teams to leverage each other’s strengths and support each other, in the right way.

Personality tests online
Personality at workplace Workplace personality test Personality at work Personality testing Personality in the workplace Personality Questionnaire Personality tests online Personality at workplace Workplace personality test Personality at work Personality testing

Support for people working from home

Personality tests online

Each of your team will understand themselves better as individuals; their strengths and main contributions to the team, how they prefer to communicate, where they are at their best and where they might struggle. Each of the team builds a greater awareness of how they come across to the others, and how they might adapt.

View Example Profile

Managing remote teams

Support and coach your team to help them stay connected, positive and doing great work. As the manager, you’ll have a complete understanding of the dynamics of the team, the strengths and weaker spots, and guidance on how to get the best out of the group. An in-depth profile for each individual with practical, tailored advice on how to best manage, motivate, coach and support them.

Personality Questionnaire


Online Personality Questionnaire

Team members complete quick and simple personality questionnaire

Individual Personality Profiles

Each of your team will receive an instant, in-depth personality profile to better understand themselves

Interactive Team Map

To help the whole team explore similarities, differences and relationships using the interactive team map

Compare personalities to improve relationships

Assess one-to-one relationships, who will work naturally best together, where will there be potential challenges, and how you can overcome these

Map the strengths in the team

The whole team will better understand and utilize everyone's strengths and maximize their contributions

Conflict Management

Identifies potential areas of conflict and provides knowledge and expert advice on how to best manage and resolve these


$ 99 /MON
Start My Free Trial
14 day free trial
Assess Individuals and Teams
3 Teams
15 members per team
Individual Personality Profiles
Interactive Team Map
Analysis of team dynamics
Individual Development Reports
Individual Management Reports

Personality at Work is Risk Free

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